Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Typography's Trompe l'oeils.

Typographical anamorphoses are 3D paintings that show a word in 2D from a particular perspective. 
We are accustomed to seeing words on a page, words on a screen, letters printed on billboards and magazines, but this new project uses typography and perspective to create a 3D illusion.

Here are some applications in which people are using it on a small scale for a poster series.

Anamorphoses typography

Anamorphoses typography

Anamorphoses typography

Anamorphoses typography

akacorleone tricks the eye with anamorphic installation, ‘find yourself in chaos’ at the under dogs gallery, lisbon


There are also bigger applications for something like this. A Spanish agency is using it as part of a way to beautify neighborhoods and instill a sense of pride back into the community. Their name is Boa Mistura and for the past several years they have used their design to help improve communities and inspire change. They Started with a some simple paintings in white and grey paintings in Spain, made their way to South Africa and lastly into the Favelas in Brazil and brought along with them this complex play on perspective, type and color to inspire change in the world.

"PENSAR y SENTIR" | "THINK and FEEL" by Boa Mistura. Universidad del Isthmus, Panamá.
(Start at 3:30)

(Start at 11:35)

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